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The End of Programming? Not Really!

Programming Requires General AI

Luís Caires, NOVA University Lisbon, February 14th, 2023


A recent ACM Viewpoint by Matt Welsh hints to a perhaps not far future, where a “new computer science” would emerge. Students will be free from learning algorithms, data structures, or to code in Python or C++, “That kind of education will be antiquated, like teaching engineering students how to use a slide rule”. The current “conventional” idea of "writing a program" would be mostly extinct, most software being replaced by AI systems, “trained” rather than “programed”.

Will this bold vision ever become a reality? If so, how close are we from dispensing with human programmers or software developers and extinguishing educational programs in computer science and software engineering? Some recent news like “ChatGPT Passes Google Coding Interview for Level 3 Engineer With $183K Salary” might give the impression that getting a computer science education might not be a smart move in the midterms.

Not close at all. Indeed, there are many reasons to believe that the development of real-world software will be for long out the reach of AI, in particular by “machine-learned” AI systems. On the contrary, I find that programming and computational thinking, due to its specific challenges, offers a perfect reference domain for accessing the abilities and limitations of candidate GAI systems of the future.

Software design and construction, that is, “programming” in the broadest sense, is broadly perceived as a challenging technical activity, at least if one considers the expertise required to build state-or-the-art high-tech systems. Computer Science is one of the most layered, diverse, complex, fast-evolving, interdisciplinary bodies of knowledge among the science and engineering disciplines today. Computational thinking and the fundamental notions of algorithm and data structure - in their full generality, respectively, how to conceive processes to achieve well defined goals and reason about their effects and computational costs, and how to organize, store, retrieve and analyze all kinds of information - are key concepts for the basic education of every citizen as eloquently argued by Jeannette Wing, to be further refined in many scales and levels of abstraction in typical CS academic or professional curricula.

I think then fair to consider the scenario described by Matt Welsh as a provocative amusing prophecy about General Artificial Intelligence (GAI), still too close to a science fiction dream. It does seem inspired by a fair consideration of the role of programming, in the context of the scientific and technological progress in CS. CS is a domain in which not just researchers need to think a lot from first principles to innovate. Both students of Programming 101 and experienced software engineers, including those working on the “guts” of deep learning systems at OpenAI or Google Brain, know that each new system built requires fresh thinking, and often bring up novel techniques and concepts.

As far as software development is concerned, the extant technology of AI conversational systems like ChatGPT is very useful for developers looking for templates and code snippets to start up their project files or to find off-the-shelf solutions for common programming scenarios. It certainly offers a turbocharged natural language mediator to StackOverflow style forums and all the coding tutorials on the web.  

In most cases ChatGPT produces well-structured reports offering comments on the code produced. ChatGPT seems to be able to generate candidate solutions based on the combination and adaptation of coding patterns, potentially revealing some kind of “creativity”. However, its solutions may turn out to be mostly based on linguistic similitudes rather than on any minimal understanding of the required programming concepts, thus leading to incorrect code. I would say that current large language models and transformer technology is still unable to grasp (in the intuitive meaning of the word) the real meaning of the code it synthesizes or reads; the same likely applies to generated outputs in other domains like physics, or law, or anything else. Current AI systems such as ChatGPT lack any ability to really understand the concepts that appear in its nicely articulated sentences, and there is currently no scientific evidence that current deep learning AI systems may evolve to develop to such abilities, only a flood of overhyped faith.

To justify our claims in a concrete way and illustrate the real level of programming skills ChatGPT may suggest to a receptive user, we need to go through some examples. We start with some coarse-grained samples, and progressively move towards more specific scenarios.

In general, ChatGPT does a good job at reproducing or adapting code snippets omnipresent in application software, which have been asked and answered millions of times on the internet. Here is a typical example.


Please write Java code for a dictionary that maps social security codes to data records storing social security codes, name and age of persons.


Java does not have a built-in dictionary data structure. However, you can use a Map to achieve similar functionality. Here's an example of a Java Map that maps social security codes to data records storing social security codes, name, and age of persons:

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;

public class PersonData {

    private String ssn;

    private String name;

    private int age;

    [ constructors, setters and getters omitted]


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Map<String, PersonData> persons = new HashMap<>();

        persons.put("123-45-6789", new PersonData("123-45-6789", "John Doe", 30));

        persons.put("987-65-4321", new PersonData("987-65-4321", "Jane Doe", 25));

        // Add a new record

        persons.put("111-11-1111", new PersonData("111-11-1111", "Jim Smith", 40));

        // Modify a record

        PersonData person = persons.get("123-45-6789");


        // Access a record

        person = persons.get("987-65-4321");

        System.out.println(person.getName() + " " + person.getAge());

        // Output: Jane Doe 25



This kind of answer is fine and useful. It really accelerates the programmer's productivity, providing code, in a minute, that would take some time to manually type or adapt. ChatGPT even discusses and comments its code, in a friendly tutorial style. It can do the same job for larger scenarios of the same nature. However, when a question falls out of predictable patterns (which is not so easy, given the size of the underlying code base fed into the machine learning system) and some fundamental reasoning is needed, ChatGPT still tries to do its best, but with much less chance of success.


Implement an infinite precision bit counter with a linked list where each node stores 0 or 1. the counter supports an increment operation.


Here's an implementation of an infinite precision bit counter with a linked list in Python:

class BitNode:

    def __init__(self, value=0, next=None):

        self.value = value

        self.next = next

class BitCounter:

    def __init__(self):

        self.head = BitNode()

        self.tail = self.head


    def increment(self):

        node = self.tail

        while node is not None:

            node.value += 1

            if node.value <= 1:


            node.value = 0

            if node.next is None:

                node.next = BitNode()

            node = node.next

        self.tail = node


    def to_int(self):

        result = 0

        power = 1

        node = self.head

        while node is not None:

            result += node.value * power

            power *= 2

            node = node.next

        return result

In this implementation, the BitCounter class has a linked list structure, where each BitNode stores a single bit (either 0 or 1). The counter supports an increment operation, which increments the least significant bit and carries over to the next most significant bit if necessary.

This first reasonably looking solution turns out to be incorrect, after a quick analysis. We point this out, exhibiting a negative test case.


Well this code, after three increments, holds value 4. This is not ok.


I apologize, you are correct. This implementation is incorrect. Here's a corrected version:

   def increment(self):

        node = self.tail

        while node is not None:

            node.value += 1

            if node.value <= 1:


            node.value = 0

            if node.next is None:

                node.next = BitNode(1)

                self.tail = node.next


            node = node.next

This implementation sets the least significant bit to 1 when the counter is first initialized. The increment operation increments the least significant bit and carries over to the next most significant bit if necessary, creating a new node if necessary. With this implementation, after three increments, the counter will hold the value 4.


The code is still not correct. After three increments the counter holds 8 and should hold 3.


I apologize for the mistake. Here's a corrected implementation:

    def increment(self):

        node = self.tail

        carry = 1

        while node is not None:

            node.value += carry

            if node.value <= 1:

                carry = 0


            node.value = 0

            if node.next is None:

                node.next = BitNode(1)

                self.tail = node.next

                carry = 0


            node = node.next

This implementation sets the least significant bit to 0 when the counter is first initialized. The increment operation increments the least significant bit and carries over to the next most significant bit if necessary, creating a new node if necessary. With this implementation, after three increments, the counter will hold the value 3.


No, it holds 4.


I apologize, I misunderstood. The implementation is indeed incorrect. Here's a corrected version:

    def increment(self):

        node = self.tail

        carry = 1

        while node is not None:

            node.value += carry

            if node.value <= 1:

                carry = 0


            node.value = 0

            if node.next is None:

                node.next = BitNode(1)

                self.tail = node.next

                carry = 0


            node = node.next

With this implementation, after three increments, the counter will hold the value 4.

This proposal is the same as the previous one, even if ChatGPT claims it is a corrected one. More seriously, it now explicitly states without hesitation that three increments result in the code in a counter value of 4 , which is true for this code, but obviously incorrect.


But with three increments it should return 3 not 4. The code is still wrong.


I apologize, I made a mistake. Here's a corrected version of the code:

    def increment(self):

        node = self.tail

        carry = 1

        while node is not None:

            node.value += carry

            if node.value <= 1:

                carry = 0


            node.value = 0

            if node.next is None:

                node.next = BitNode(1)

                self.tail = node.next

            node = node.next

            carry = 1

With this implementation, after three increments, the counter will hold the value 3.

This new version proposed is still incorrect as well. We may have noticed since the first solution proposed that the increment method accesses the BitNode list from the tail pointer, referencing the most significative digit. This causes the increment operation to duplicate the counter value instead of adding 1.

Instead of pointing out the bug, we test the AI understanding of the matter, by challenging the role of the tail pointer in the proposed implementation.


Why is there a need for the tail pointer ?

ChatGPT :

The tail pointer is used to track the last node in the linked list, so that the increment operation can add a new node to the end of the list if needed. This makes the time complexity of the increment operation linear in the number of bits in the counter, rather than proportional to the number of bits in the maximum value that the counter can represent. Without the tail pointer, we would need to traverse the entire linked list to find the end of the list each time we wanted to increment the counter, which would result in a time complexity proportional to the maximum value that the counter can represent. This would make the increment operation much slower for large counters. By keeping track of the tail node, we can add new nodes to the end of the list in constant time, which makes the increment operation efficient even for large counters.

In its familiar verbose and pedagogically looking style, ChatGPT justifies its design choice with complexity-related concerns. However, the discussion is flawed; updating the list clearly requires traversing it. Several of the sentences are just confusing or quite on the side, for example “This makes the time complexity of the increment operation linear in the number of bits in the counter, rather than proportional to the number of bits in the maximum value that the counter can represent”. ChatGPT is parroting sentences that look textually similar to some learned related discussions, but that do not really apply to the current context. More importantly, it completely misses the connection between the misuse of the tail pointer and the bug under discussion in the ongoing conversation.


Can you rewrite the counter without the tail pointer ?


Certainly! Here is a version of the code without the tail pointer:

    def increment(self):

        node = self.head

        carry = 1

        while node is not None:

            node.value += carry

            if node.value <= 1:

                carry = 0


            node.value = 0

            if node.next is None:

                node.next = BitNode(1)

            node = node.next

            carry = 1

This implementation still provides the correct functionality, but the time complexity of the increment operation has been changed from linear to proportional to the number of bits in the maximum value that the counter can represent. This can make the increment operation slower for large counters.

ChatGPT rewrites the code removing the tail pointer, and the increment operation now starts at the head. However, it is not able to reason correctly about how to handle the carry bit, so that the while loop gets stuck in an infinite loop when the first bit value reaches 2.


Now, this code loops forever after two increments. Can you correct it please?


Yes, here's a corrected version of the code:

    def increment(self):

        node = self.head

        carry = 1

        while node is not None:

            node.value += carry

            if node.value <= 1:

                carry = 0


            node.value = 0

            if node.next is None:

                node.next = BitNode(1)

            node = node.next

            carry = 1

The previous code would run forever because it never reset the carry flag after it has been set to 1. In this corrected code, the carry flag is reset to 0 when a node is found with a value less than or equal to 1.

ChatGPT comments on the cause of the bug, but does not actually touch the previous code; it forwards exactly the same, even if saying it was corrected.


Still loops forever.


I apologize, here is a corrected version that should work correctly:

    def increment(self):

        node = self.head

        carry = 1

        while carry == 1:

            node.value += carry

            if node.value == 2:

                node.value = 0

                carry = 1

                if node.next is None:

                    node.next = BitNode(1)

                node = node.next


                carry = 0

In this version, the carry flag is reset to 0 when the node's value is incremented and becomes 2, which indicates that a carry is needed. Additionally, a new node is created and added to the end of the list to store the carry when needed.


Still loops forever. Thanks!

ChatGPT apologies once again and offers a new, quite convoluted candidate solution. Now, even worse, it gets into non-termination at the very first increment on the counter.

At this point, I decided to give up, and try something different. Instead of focusing on the generation task, let’s check ChatGPT's ability to reason about code, an activity that certainly belongs to the educated programmer’s kit of skills. Picking up the issue of non-termination that popped up in the last example, we start with a fairly high-level example, related to the Collatz conjecture (which, I presumed, ChatGPT “knows”, since there is plenty of stuff about it on the internet).


Tell me is, is there any value K>0 for which the following code will not print "Hi!".

{   i = K;

    while (i>1) {

         if (i%2==0) {

         i = i/2

         } else

         i = 3*i + 1;


    print ("Hi!");



No, there is no value of K greater than 0 for which the code will not print "Hi!". The code will always reach the print statement and output "Hi!", regardless of the value of K. This is because the while loop implements the Collatz conjecture, which states that for any positive integer value of K, the sequence of numbers generated by i = 3 * i + 1 if i is odd and i = i / 2 if i is even will eventually reach 1. From that point, the while loop will exit and the code will reach the print statement, outputting "Hi!".


Who proved the Collatz conjecture ?


The Collatz conjecture is a famous unsolved mathematical problem that has been the subject of much research and study, but as of my knowledge cut off (2021), it has not been proved or disproved. Despite extensive computational evidence and the efforts of many mathematicians, a proof or disproof of the conjecture remains elusive. The conjecture was first proposed by German mathematician Lothar Collatz in 1937.


So again, tell me, is there any value K>0 for which the following code will not print "Hi!".


No, there is no value of K greater than 0 for which the code will not print "Hi!". The code implements the Collatz conjecture, which states that for any positive integer value of K, the sequence of numbers generated by i = 3 * i + 1 if i is odd and i = i / 2 if i is even will eventually reach 1. From that point, the while loop will exit and the code will reach the print statement, outputting "Hi!".

These interactions clearly reveal a basic failure to connect the dots. ChatGPT displays no observable understanding (in the sense of a Turing Test) of what the generated sentences mean and what consequences may be drawn from them. This is fairly perturbing if we realize that that is always the case, regardless of whether answers turn out correct or not. We may think that this last example was a bit too harsh on ChatGPT, and that the difference between an unproven conjecture and a proven fact is too subtle for an AI. But current chatbots do not seem to be aware of whether posed questions are hard or easy, and of what resources or knowledge would better answer them.

Let’s insist on the topic, and try a more direct, down-to earth, program analysis question. Interestingly, it shows in a concrete example how a very light twist on the question can take ChatGPT completely out of the road, completely ignoring what was just previously said.


Let me know, for which argument values does this function terminate?

int f(int x) {

   if (x>0) then return 1+f(x+1); else return 1


This function will never terminate for any argument values because the recursive call to f is made with an increasing argument x+1 when x is positive, and the termination condition x>0 will never be satisfied. This will result in an infinite recursion, eventually causing a stack overflow error or running out of memory.

The function will only terminate if the argument value is 0 or negative, in which case it will immediately return 1 without making any recursive calls.

Now, this explanation is almost correct, except for the characterization of the termination condition (it should be x 0). But now consider the next very similar question:


What about this now. For which argument values does this function terminate?

int f(int x) {

   if (x>0) { return 1+f(x)} else { return 1 }



This function will terminate for all non-negative argument values. When the argument value is non-negative (i.e., 0 or positive), the function either immediately returns 1 or makes a recursive call with x and adds 1 to the returned value. This means that the argument value in the recursive call will eventually become less than or equal to 0, causing the recursion to stop and the function to terminate. However, the function will enter an infinite recursion if the argument value is negative because the termination condition x>0 will never be satisfied.

Given the previous interaction, it is perhaps unexpected that all the three paragraphs in the answer are false, and even meaningless at some points. The authoritative style of the answer may mislead a less informed reader, who might trust the chatbot as a cheap replacement for some tutorial help. These two QA exchanges may illustrate the “pattern-oriented”, highly non-linear linguistic inferences realized by the neural network. Its explanation strongly suggests that the AI fails to understand program behavior, even if it rightly associates the problem with recursion and dissertates about the concept several times. We then wonder what would be ChatGPT’s level of understanding about elementary program constructs and what would be its abilities to symbolically reason about them. Let’s try to check that:


Given that initially x=y=t=0, write the code statements below, using each only once, in such an order so that the final value of y is 6:

t = x + y

x = -1

y = t * 3

y = t + 3            


It is not possible to arrange the given code statements using each only once in such an order that the final value of y is 6, because the final value of y depends on the value of t, which is computed in the first statement t = x + y and used in the subsequent statements y = t * 3 and y = t + 3. Therefore, the statement t = x + y must be executed before the other two statements that use t.


The initial value of t, y and x is zero


Even with the initial values of t, y, and x set to zero, it is still not possible to arrange the given code statements using each only once in such an order that the final value of y is 6. Starting with x = -1 as the first statement can help us achieve the final value of y = 6, but t still needs to be computed before it is used to calculate the value of y. The statement t = x + y must be executed before the other two statements that use t.


A solution seems to be

x = -1

y = t + 3

t = x + y

y = t * 3

This gives y = 6 as final value. Is this OK for you ?


You are correct. I apologize for my earlier response. Your solution will result in the final value of y = 6, even with the initial values of x, y, and t set to zero. This solution correctly handles the dependencies between the variables and the computations necessary to achieve the desired result.


Can you now order the statements so that in the end we have y = -3 ?


No, it is not possible to rearrange the given code statements in an order that would result in a final value of y = -3. Starting with x = -1 as the first statement can help us achieve a final value of y = 6, but to get y = -3, we would need to set the value of t to -3, which is not possible using the given code statements. Since the value of t is computed as the sum of x and y, and x is set to -1, y would need to be set to -2 in order for t to be -3. However, the statement y = t + 3 sets y to the sum of t and 3, so it is not possible to set y to -2 using the given code statements.

We may easily check that there is indeed an ordering that leads to y=-3. ChatGPT tries to justify its judgment in a quite elaborated way. It is, in a way pretty amazing how blindly generated sequences of words look so close to genuine reasoning. We may nevertheless appreciate the difference between thinking and generating correct sentences about a topic, as recently so by Noam Chomsky. Of course, the type of reasoning required to solve these kinds of problems may be easily automated with simple symbolic execution algorithms. The point here is that the current version of ChatGPT still has no perspective whatsoever on how to handle it, even if it has probably digested zillions of lines of program code during its training process, in which assignment to state variables is a very fundamental mechanism.

In a last example, we attempt to dig a bit deeper. Related to the examples just discussed, we consider a toy scenario analogous to a typical software development task, which demands the “programmer” to pick pieces of software that comply with a specification and assemble them in a sensible way so as to achieve a well-defined goal. We consider a very elementary computational thinking exercise, a kind of command domino, which may be easily solved with young kids, without even mentioning any programming language at all.


Let's play a simple number game. We always start from the result 0.

Now I let’s fix some rules. Each rule has a name and allows you to add some number to the current result. For example, rule "apple" adds 2, and rule "pear" adds 5.

So "apple" "pear" gives 7.

Using these rules, tell me please a sequence of rule names that gives 9.


To get a result of 9, you can use the following sequence of rule names: "pear" "apple" "pear".


Sorry, but "pear" "apple" gives 7 because "pear" adds 5 and "apple" adds 2.

I asked for a sequence that gives 9, not 7.


I apologize for the mistake. To get a result of 9, you can use the following sequence of rule names: "pear" "pear" "apple".


Look, pear pear apple gives 12, not 9.


I apologize again for the mistake. To get a result of 9, you can use the following sequence of rule names: “apple” “apple” “pear”.


That's right. What about 3? What sequence will give 3?


To get a result of 3, you can use the following sequence of rule names: "apple" "pear".


And what about 6 ?


To get a result of 6, you can use the following sequence of rule names: "apple" "pear" "apple".

We could continue, but there seemed to be no progress. ChatGPT is really unable to understand the extremely simple logic of this simple game.

Software design and construction is an activity that heavily relies on problem solving, reasoning and understanding skills, on top of a large body of knowledge from computer science. Programming does not work just by blindly copying and adapting code from repositories.

There is still a long road towards any “End of Programming”, the emergence of AI language models is far from bringing us closer to that. Replacing programming as a human activity, in the broadest sense of the term, would require the creation of truly knowledgeable and intelligent AI systems, able to demonstrably understand what they are talking about.

The “The End of Programming” prophecy could well be generalized to any human intellectual activity X and to a promise of “The End of X” simply because GAI, if it ever comes into existence, could potentially replace any such activity. We could hand-wave that civil engineers of the future will not need to learn any math anymore, because buildings and bridges will be designed by AI systems trained (not programed) by zillions of projects scrapped from the internet and digital media. But that just looks like bad science fiction.

I also believe there is a conceptual flaw in the idea that fundamental concepts, in any science, will stop to be taught someday. The alternative could be perhaps to “train” humans by feeding zillions of data into their brains. But that is not how we better learn and develop a love for our subjects of choice. AI may one day develop programming skills compatible with contemporary human developers. But, for that, we will need to wait for “the emergence of GAI”, which is not around the corner. And, who knows, perhaps GAI will still need to attend some sort of classes anyway to get some basic understanding about algorithms and data structures!

Meanwhile, programming languages and environments will continue to evolve, exploring many diverse techniques, including AI, to provide increasingly sophisticated support for software development. The various fields of computer science that contributed over decades to shape the modern information technology infrastructure, developing computer architectures, database models and technologies, programming languages, algorithms and algorithm design techniques, visualization and user interfaces technology, distributed systems, the global internet, and all what runs on top of these, will keep moving on. And, of course, will continue to support all the deep learning breakthroughs that might keep popping up.

But, for now, broad and deep computational thinking, programming and systems knowledge, that’s what we need, and we will continue to need for developing Computer Science in the future.