UP, SAPO, MyHome, DI
From: James Lee Haines 
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 95 09:43:41 -700
Subject: bookshops
...(stuff deleted)...
I wonder if you could suggest the name and address of a Portuguese
bookshop that accepts VISA card payment and will export abroad.
I send you greetings from snowy Oulu Finland.
James Haines
Department of English & Program in North American Studies
University of Oulu
e-mail: jlhaines@cc.oulu.fi

This Portuguese bookshop has a mail-order service. It accepts credit card payment and will export abroad. Livraria Bertrand, Tele-Bertrand rua Anchieta, 15 1200 Lisboa Portugal (Phone: +351-1-3432548) --Miguel Artur Miguel A.V.Dias (amd@di.fct.unl.pt) Dep.Informatica/FCT/UNL, Quinta da Torre, 2825 Monte de Caparica, Portugal