Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 17:41:27 -0800 (PST)
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To: amd@di.fct.unl.pt
From: Diego Hermano
Subject: Traditional music and folkloric dances.
Status: U
>I'm using a friend's computer to contact you. I belong to a Portuguese Folk
>dance group in California, USA. We rely on music that is recorded for our
>performances. I would like information regarding Folcloric Groups I can
>contact in Portugal, distributors of Folcloric music (prefer: CD's), books
>(Costumes and or Dances) and\or articles on the subject of folcloric dances.
>I am aware of INATEL which is an organization specifically for the
>preservation of the folcloric dance, however I do not know how to contact
>them (preferably over the net). Any info you may provide would be
>graciously appreciated and passed on to the other dance groups here in
> Sincerely,
> Elaine
> Rancho Folclorico
> "Portugal na California"
I don't know much about Folkloric music but I made a call to INATEL
and found out that they have indeed a Folk music department.
They have some experts on the matter and they maintain a data base with
detailed information concerning 1200+ (!) Portuguese Folk dance
groups ("ranchos").
Their address is:
Divisao de Etnografia e Folclore do INATEL
Calcada de Santana, 180
1150 Lisboa
You may write to them either in Portuguese or English.
| Artur Miguel Dias |
| amd@di.fct.unl.pt http://www-ctp.di.fct.unl.pt/~amd |
| Dep.Informatica/FCT/UNL, 2825 Monte de Caparica, Portugal |