In article <456lfh$erk@t3.mscf.uky.edu> [Sep-95]
jum00@ewl.uky.edu (Jae Y. Um) writes:
> Hi, all.
> I would like to know how to subscribe a Portuguese magazine.
> Please tell me how to get those magazine in USA or other country.
> Any publisher send their magazine to abroad?
> Any magazine will be fine but not professional or specialized one.
> Please help me.
> Thanks.
> J. Um
I recommend the magazine "Visao" because it is compact and complete.
It has the same format of "Time" and "Newsweek". Is out every Thursday.
This magazine tend to favour the positions of the moderated left.
There are some other weekly newspapers that are more conservative
(such as "Expresso", "Independente", "Semanario", etc) but they
are bulky.
I am used to reading the "Expresso" every week and "Visao"
once a month.
A subscription to "Visao" from outside the Europe is a bit expensive:
during 1995, six month will cost you 22.450$00 (= US$150)
(inside Portugal the subscription is only 9.000$00).
To subscribe send:
-Birth Date
-Credit Card Number with Expiration Date
-Duration of the subscription: 6 months or 1 year
... to this address
Revista Visao
Av. da Liberdade 232-r/c
Subscribing "Expresso" in 1996 for 6 months:
PRICES Surface mail Air Mail
Portugal 10238$00
Europe 28750$00 37000$00
Other Contries 32500$00 59400$00
Expresso - Dep. Assinaturas
Rua Duque de Palmela, 37
1299 Lisboa Codex
Artur Miguel A.V.Dias (amd@di.fct.unl.pt)
Dep.Informatica/FCT/UNL, Quinta da Torre, 2825 Monte de Caparica, Portugal