The architecture of an enterprise is described
by a set of models of that enterprise, expressing
key aspects of the business domains themselves,
the goals and challenges of the enterprise, it's
processes, people, and organizations, the software
applications and components that support it, the
software and hardware infrastructure they run
on, and the interrelationships, commonalities,
and standards across these. The main reason for
investing in an enterprise architecture is to
better understand the enterprise with its current
and ideal operating characteristics, in order
to best design, manage, and guide the evolution
of its supporting systems.
Enterprise architecture involves multiple viewpoints,
spanning business goals through technology platforms.
It must handle heterogeneous and overlapping systems,
short and long-term migration planning, medium
to large-grained components and applications,
and mixtures of logical and highly platform-oriented
UML 2.0 and MDA provide facilities that help with
some aspects of enterprise architecture, but do
not address several others. In this tutorial we
will describe an approach to enterprise architecture,
based on models and their interrelationships,
and using UML 2.0 and ideas from MDA where appropriate.

to UML 2004 audience
tutorial will tie together technical ideas from
goal modeling, essential business process architecture,
architecture styles, fractal components, and viewpoints
and refinement, into a mostly-coherent whole that
better addresses key enterprise architecture challenges.
The intended audience is senior modelers, architects,
and managers who have to deal with enterprise

Technical Relevance, above.

DSouza has worked in software systems, architecture,
and modeling since the early 80's. He developed
and co-authored the Catalysis method, published
by Addison Wesley in 1998 and an important positive
influence on UML. He was VP of component-based
development at Platinum Technology and Computer
Associates in the late 90's. Desmond is President
of Kinetium, a consulting company, and is a respected
authority and speaker at companies and conferences.
Desmond can be reached at:
desmond[dot]dsouza[at]kinetium[dot]com .
work presented in this tutorial has been developed
over the past 4 years in an industrial setting.
Desmond has presented on related topics at numerous
international conferences since the early '90s.
This specific topic has not been presented before.
