International Conference on the
Unified Modeling Language
12, 2004
to design and use Domain Specific Modeling Languages
Presenter: |
Cameron Wills and Stuart Kent
Microsoft Corporation
7 J J Thomson Avenue
Cambridge CB3 0FB
Email: awills[at]microsoft[dot]com,
stukent[at]Microsoft[dot]com |
Day |
October 12, 2004 - afternoon (14:00 - 17:30)
Software development can be accelerated and made
more agile, by designing a language that is specialised
to model your domain of interest. A user interface,
a database queries, or a page layout is rarely
designed these days without using a language (and
supporting tools) specific to that purpose - a
language that may be textual or graphical or both.
A domain-specific language captures an ontology
of its domain; and each implementation (a generator,
interpreting engine, or simulator that executes
the language's statements) encapsulates a framework
of components and design patterns. This tutorial
will explain how to create and use domain specific
languages, and how to make this pattern more applicable
to narrower and more specialized domains. We will
discuss some related patterns such as adaptive
assembly, software product lines and model driven
development, and how these form an integrated
pattern language we call the "Software Factory".
Finally, we will explore in some detail techniques
for designing a domain specific language; and
look at the tools and processes that go along
with such a language.

tutorial is about how to design languages that
model a domain, from which software implementations
and other enterprise artefacts can be derived.
Nearly all participants in a UML conference will
be interested in this topic, particularly in the
light of the widespread discussion of MDA.

background for this tutorial is the forthcoming
book from Jack Greenfield and Keith Short called
"Software Factories: Assembling Applications with
Languages, Patterns, Frameworks and Tools", to
be published by John Wiley and Sons in July 2004.
This book sets out a strategic context for the
development of model based software development
tools from Microsoft Corporation. The presenters
of the tutorial are working in the same group
at Microsoft as the authors of this book, and
Stuart Kent with Steve Cook also contributed material
to the book.
tutorials will be offered at the OOPSLA, GPCE,
and Agile Development conferences in 2004. Successful
workshops have been run at FMOODS 2003 ((http://fedconf.enst.fr/)
and OT2004 (see http://www.spa2005.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/?DomainSpecificLanguages)

will learn:
- Scope
of appropriateness of domain specific languages
to a problem
- How
to design a good DSL
Variance analysis
- Choice
of language styles
- Distinguishing
the ontology of the domain from languages
that state the variances
- Tools
and processes coupled with the language
- Issues
in the application of DSLs

of Contents
Part 1: Patterns and principles
1.1The Software Factory Pattern Language
1.2. Domain Specific Languages
1.3. How DSLs accelerate software development
1.4. Processes, tools and frameworks supporting
1.4.1. Attaching DSLs to viewpoints in a Software
Factory Schema
1.4.2. Relationships between viewpoints
1.4.3. Transformations between DSLs in related
1.5. How to design a DSL
1.5.1. Ontology of the domain
1.5.2. Variance
1.5.3. Designing a good tool-supported language
1.5.4. Executing the DS
Part 2: Exercises in designing DSLs
2.1. Group 1 - Baggage Handling
2.1.1. Sketch a domain model of bag handling
2.1.2. Identify variances between one system
and another
2.1.3. Graphical language that distinguishes
one system from another
2.1.4. Tools - what can authors using this
language do?
2.2. Group 2 - Language for expressing types
of tree-like data
2.2.1. Sketch a domain model of tree-like
data types
2.2.2. Identify variances between one set
of types and another
2.2.3. Graphical language that succinctly
expresses a set of tree-like types
2.2.4. Tools - what can authors using this
language do?
3. Comparison of results
4. Discussion

should be competent practitioners familiar with
current software development methods, practices
and technologies.

1 will be a seminar on the principles and issues
in the topic; discussion will be welcome.
2 will be group exercises, followed by comparison
and discussion of the results.

Cameron Wills is a software architect in the
Enterprise Frameworks and Tools group in Microsoft.
He was previously a consultant in analysis and
development methods with Trireme International
Ltd, mentoring groups in a wide variety of fields.
He co-authored the Catalysis approach to component
based development. Alan is a frequent presenter
at conferences, and is a member of the SoSYM editorial
board. His PhD was in the application of formal
methods to object-oriented programming.
Alan has given workshops and tutorials in the
field of Domain Specific Languages at other conferences
including an invited talk at FMOODS 2003 (http://fedconf.enst.fr/),
OT 2004 (see http://www.spa2005.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/?DomainSpecificLanguages),
and Agile Development 2004 (http://www.agiledevelopmentconference.com/).
Kent is a Program Manager in the Enterprise
Frameworks and Tools group at Microsoft where
he works on infrastructure and tools to support
domain specific modeling. Before joining Microsoft,
he was Senior Lecturer at the University of Kent
and held a Royal Society Industry Fellowship supported
by IBM. He participated and contributed to the
UML 2 and MOF 2 standardization efforts for over
two years. He has published over 60 papers, is
on the editorial board for the Journal of Software
and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), has participated
in numerous conference programme committees, and
speaks frequently at international events. He
has a PhD in Computer Science from Imperial College,
